The tale unfolds in the forgotten era of Nurann, a kingdom steeped in ancient traditions. Every year, a contest is held to select a lone adventurer to journey into a hidden realm of myth and magic, offering a unique blend of suspense and excitement.
Ade, a young man of extraordinary courage, is thrust into an adventure he never asked for. He leaves his family behind and embarks on a perilous journey through mythical lands, all in a bid to find a hidden sanctuary that holds the key to saving his world. Along the way, he forms deep bonds with fellow adventurers, and together, they face unimaginable dangers and formidable creatures.
Through physical endurance and emotional resilience, Ade will learn that true strength is not found in weapons but in the powerful bonds of solidarity and love.
This theme of unity and legacy resonates throughout the story, inspiring readers to reflect on their relationships and the impact they can have.
This gripping tale is a testament to the transformative power of self-discovery, where courage, friendship, and sacrifice are the cornerstones of victory in the eternal struggle between good and evil.
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SKU: 979-8-3267353-8-6
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